API Docs

API URL https://nksmmpanel.site/api/v2
Response format JSON

Add order

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
url Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
comments (optional) Comments list (encoded)
runs (optional) Runs to deliver
interval (optional) Interval in minutes

Example success response

    "order": 23501

Example error response

	"error": "incorrect service type"

Services List

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action services

Example response

        "service": 1,
        "name": "Followers",
        "type": "Default",
        "category": "First Category",
        "rate": "0.90",
        "min": "50",
        "max": "10000"
        "service": 2,
        "name": "Comments",
        "type": "Custom Comments",
        "category": "Second Category",
        "rate": "8",
        "min": "10",
        "max": "1500"

Order status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
order Order ID

Example response

    "charge": "0.27819",
    "start_count": "3572",
    "status": "Partial",
    "remains": "157",
    "currency": "USD"

Multiple Order status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
orders Order IDs separated by comma(100 orders at once)

Example response

    "1": {
        "charge": "0.27819",
        "start_count": "3572",
        "status": "Partial",
        "remains": "157",
        "currency": "USD"
    "10": {
        "error": "Incorrect order ID"
    "100": {
        "charge": "1.44219",
        "start_count": "234",
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": "10",
        "currency": "USD"


Parameters Description
key Your API key
action balance

Example response

	"balance": 10000,
	"currency": "USD",


Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill
order Order ID

Example response

	"status": Success,
	"message": "Your order successfully added for refill. Thank you for patience."


Parameters Description
key Your API key
action cancel
order Order ID

Example response

	"status": Success,
	"message": "Your order was successfully marked for cancellation. Thank you for patience."
Example of PHP code